Short Courses and Workshops

Through a range of short courses and workshops, The Link Centre offers training in specific areas of counselling and psychotherapy. Our short courses and workshops, which are delivered online or in-person in East Sussex, are designed for anyone with a general interest in psychology, personal and professional development, or health professionals looking for CPD training.

Each workshop is delivered by an experienced professional in the area of focus, and our workshops cover things like addiction counselling, trauma counselling and family counselling.

If you aren’t sure whether a workshop is suitable for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Short Courses and Workshops Courses

Certificate in Counselling Skills – online (30-hour course)

This 30-hour in-person beginners counselling skills course is for those who are at the beginning phase of their counselling practice and would like to gain practical knowledge and confidence. 

How to Become a Supervisor (free online talk)

Join Mark Head to find out how to transition from being a counsellor to supervisor.

Certificate in Counselling Children and Young People

This course is a six day, introductory training for trainee and qualified counsellors who are preparing to go into placement with clients aged 4-18. It has been designed to be an enjoyable first step into working with children and young people.

Counsellors, Psychotherapists and the Wider System of Mental Health Care (Online – 6 hours)

This one-day workshop aims to provide an overview of the wider system of mental health care provision and the role of counsellors and psychotherapists within it. This training has been designed to meet the aims of the ‘Working within the Wider Systems of Care’ component of the UKCP’s requirements for a Mental Health Familiarisation Placement.

A Socially Responsible Understanding of Mental Health (Online – 6 hours)

A Socially Responsible Understanding of Mental Health one-day workshop aims to provide an essential overview on mental health, mental illness and mental health care from a social rather than individual context.

Counsellors and Psychotherapists as Mental Health Practitioners: A Mental Health Familiarisation online series

This dynamic 4-part series of online workshops has been designed to support trainee and qualified Counsellors and Psychotherapists to develop a critical appreciation of our professional roles within the wider system of mental health care. They will also support those seeking to fulfil the UKCP’s Mental Health Familiarisation Placement requirements.

Certificate in Counselling Skills in-person (30-hour course)

This 30-hour in-person beginners counselling skills course is for those who are at the beginning phase of their counselling practice and would like to gain practical, knowledge, and confidence. 

(Coming 2025-26)Exam Preparation/CPD Group – 7 days Online

Seven days of Exam Prep/CPD TA Training. An ongoing group to support students on the final leg of their TA journey and a collegial environment that will give challenge, motivation and focus to achieve whatever your goal might be.

The Official Introduction to Transactional Analysis (TA101)

This two-day or four-evening internationally recognised course is our most popular course. You will come away with new ideas, perspectives and models that you can use in every area of your life. People who attend this course come away with real insight into their own process and others and gain useful practical ideas of how to do things in a way that serves them better.

Certificate In Working with Families

A six x 3 hour online course (on Friday evenings) enabling practitioners to develop an understanding of Family and Systemic Therapy and how this can be used in their practice to support individuals in the context of their family as well as more complicated systems in their practice.




Certificate in Working with Addiction

A 24 hour online course (4 x Fri and 4 x Sat) providing an overview of working with addiction and the psycho-social-neurobiological factors to be considered for therapeutic practitioners who are working with addictive processes in their practice.

Any Questions? Call us on 01273 646 712