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EATA – European Transacational Analysis Association
The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society
The Link Centre Diploma in Counselling course is accredited by the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society and, subject to NCPS terms and conditions, is a route onto a national register of counsellors which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority .
Leilani talks to the past President of EATA Krispijn Plettenberg
Leilani talks to Jan Hennig about the last 40 years of EATA
Leilani talks to Maria Teresa Tosi about What is Psychotherapy
Leilani talks to Liselotte Fassbind Kech about What is Counselling
Leilani talks to Richard Erskine about his ideas on the 8 Relational Needs
Leilani Talks to Bill Cornell
Leilani talks to Adrienne Lee about Process Contracting
Leilani talks to Charlotte Sills about The Contracting Matrix
Leilani talks to Lies de Bruinj about the concept of Physis from TA
Leilani talks to Ronen Stilman about the concept of Script
Leilani talks to Evelyn Papaux about The Permission Wheel
Leilani talks to Gunther Mohr about his ideas 10 System Dimension in Organisations
Leilani talks to Giles Barrow about using TA in the Educational Field
Leilani talks to Thorsten Geck about the TA Theory or Roles
Leilani talks to Annette Deilman about using TA in Organisations
Leilani talks to Laurie Hawkes about TA Psychotherapy
Leilani talks to Ulf Hedquist about using Strokes
Leilani talks to Magdalena Gamkat about the Script Matrix
Leilani asks international colleagues what they like about TA
Leilani interviews the past president of EATA Marco Mazzetti
Leilani talks to Trudi Newton about the Health System from TA
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