Certificate In Working with Families

The Certificate in Working With Families is an online family therapy training course, focusing on providing experienced and in-training counsellors with family counselling skills.

Course Content:

Systemic and Family Therapy approach aims to assist families and complex human systems to mobilise their own strengths and relationships to make disturbing symptoms less problematic for suffering individuals.

The key difference between systemic and family therapy approach and all the many variations of individual psychological interventions, is that while individual therapy gives one person the space to discuss and reflect during ‘time out’ of their human system, systemic therapy brings parts or all of the system into the therapy. It focuses on theories and practices that enable practitioners to understand problems, recognise resources and create and maintain solutions. Family and Systemic Therapy will enable practitioners to develop knowledge and skills to the level that best supports both the individual in the context of their family as well as more complicated systems in their practice.

Knowledge of and skills in systemic approaches are also applicable for helping professionals in working in systems such as organisations and teams.

Upon completing this family therapy course, participants will be able to do the following.

  • Articulate a fundamental understanding of family systems theory
  • Describe assessment, treatment planning, some interventions, and evaluation in the family system
  • Compare, and contrast two or more approaches in family therapy
  • Describe family developmental processes as they relate to the family lifecycle
  • Describe how problems develop, are maintained, and are resolved within a family system.
  • Apply basic family dynamics in a focused conversation with a family member
  • Describe families as distinct cultural systems, embedded in and influenced by other sociocultural systems

Participation includes case discussion, interaction, and participation in a group process activities. Please be prepared to actively discuss the material. The level of disclosure will be contracted for as a group at the first session. Handouts and details to be provided.

Genogram: As part of the program you will construct a three-generation genogram of your family in order to assess your family system and family culture. Your genogram is expected to be correct and professionally completed. You will identify the patterns and significant themes in your own family of origin using your knowledge of the family models discussed in class. We will discuss how these patterns influence or potentially could influence you as a counsellor, parent and partner and in what way you think your cultural background could influence your work with families? We will examine the ways your culture and family patterns may be a barrier or strength in working with families.


Structures and dynamics (each module 3 hours)

  • Definitions of Family understanding Systems Theory
  • Family in the Cultural Context Boundaries, Inclusion exclusion Structural therapy
  • Bowenian Family Therapy. Using Genograms in Family Therapy
  • Siblings System and Birth order, Only Child place
  • The Developmental Lifecycle of Couples and Families – stages
  • Special considerations = Patchwork family, Single parent family

(A follow on course may be offered if there is enough interest)


The course is experiential and based on processing a participant’s own family and cases. Completion of the course is not based on written assignments however, practical tasks will be given at the end of each session.

Participant Numbers: There will be a maximum of 20 participants on this course




Booking and Dates

Do you have any questions about this course?


Upcoming Dates:

Usually run over six Friday evenings 5-8pm (3 hours)

Sign up to our newsletter to find out when new dates for 2025 are launched.

Cancellation Policy:

The deposit is non-refundable.  50% refund of the balance will be given on cancellations with more than 7 days’ notice.


Online Event (Zoom)




Any Questions? Call us on 01273 646 712